Once upon a time in the vibrant city of Harmonyville, there lived a struggling musician...

Strings of Destiny

A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts...

Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of...

A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with...

In 1883, a creative engineer named John Roebling was inspired by an idea to build...

Once upon a time, there was a water-bearer in India who had two large pots,...

A man went to a barbershop to have his hair and his beard cut as...

There once was a boy who loved eating sweets. He always asked for sweets from...

Once upon a time, there lived a poor Brahmin by the name of Swabhavakripna in...

Once upon a time, there lived a washer man in a village. He possessed a...